Tienda ecológica ¡Envíos a toda Barcelona!
Mushrooms and Sprouts
Aromatic Herbs and Spices
Eggs and Milks
Cheeses and Butters
Yogur y Kéfir
Nuts, Seeds, and Dried Fruits
Rice and Legumes
Pastas, pizzas and flours
Bread, Crackers, and Breadsticks
Broths, Creams, Preserves, and Packaged foods
Sauces and Cooking Creams
Oil, Vinegar, and Salt
Hummus, Tofu, Seitán y Tempeh
Snacks And Olives
Hygiene and household items
Plant-Based Milks
Coffee, Infusions, and Teas
Juices, Waters, and Sodas
Probiotics, Kombuchas, Wines, and Beers
Spreads, Honey, and Sweeteners
Muesli and Oats
Galletas, Chocolates y Cacao
Jams and Baby food
3,69 € — available on subscription
39 in stock
Nature & Cie
Organic Gluten-Free Coconut and Lemon Cookie 125g
4,59 € — available on subscription
Organic Oat Flake Cookies 250g
3,39 € — available on subscription
Organic Delicious Dark Chocolate Cookies 150g
5,49 € — available on subscription
Galeta Blat Espelta Xocolata 250g ECO
3,98 € — available on subscription